Thursday, February 4, 2010

Interview With Jen Robinson

As I've talked about, one of my favorite bloggers is Jen Robinson.  Her love of books and desire to share that love with children and young adults is inspiring.  If you would like to get to know her better, check out the interview, here, at another book blog called Texas Sweethearts.  To those of you who are teachers, you will not find a better literature resource than Jen's site.  I wish I had discovered her before my mom retired from teaching 5th Grade.


  1. Thanks so much, Stephany, both for the recommendation of my blog in general, and for lilnking to my review. Your post brightened a gray day here for me.

    How are you liking the Lock Artist? I hadn't heard about that one, but I've enjoyed Hamilton's Alex McNight books - I'll have to check this one out.

  2. Thank you so much for linking to the interview, Stephany!
    And ditto - I wish I'd discovered Jen's blog when I was a kid :)

  3. Jen, I am so happy to recommend your blog! I have been talking you up around my boys' schools too. I have a Kindergartner, a 5th Grader and an 8th Grader and I believe there is valuable content on your blog for all three of them and their teachers.

    I am enjoying The Lock Artist. I think it was one of Amazon's top 7 books of the month. I have a particular interest in it because my son, Ian, has a friend who also suddenly lost his ability to speak, although not from a traumatic event, as happened to the character in the book. The narrative method is interesting...the author tells the story jumping between two different time periods rather than straight chronological order...kind of like the flashbacks and flash forwards on LOST. It too me 2-3 chapters to figure out who was who, etc., but it is fairly easy to follow. I just get caught up in one story and then he switches to another time in the main character's life. It is keeping me interested and each time leaves me wanting more of whichever part of the story I was reading.

  4. PJ, what an honor to have you leave a comment. I didn't realize you were the author of those books that have been catching my eye on Jen's blog. They will definitely have to go in my to-read pile now. I was very happy to link to this interview on your blog.
